These are the updates released over April 2023.
Minor Updates
RSS Feeds can now contain the webpage content rather than the summary. The default will remain as the page summary but if a Diocese wants to change it to be the full page then they can do this in Settings > Site Options. This will be a global change applying to RSS for across the site. If you are not familiar with RSS feeds then the are a way for people / software to subscribe to the latest articles added to a website - an example being on the Diocese of Ely News.
This was the phase4#12 update.
RSS Feed for Daily Message - an RSS feed can be enabled for the Daily Message by going to Daily Message > Options. The RSS Feed can be setup to just have todays message or to have the previous 30 days messages.
This was the phase4#13 update.
CSV Download of listing of files. Master users can now download a CSV of all their files along with pages that these are linked from. A new button appears within Global Office in the file section.
This was the phase4#20 update.
Search results show full URL - Rather than using the page_id in search results it now show the full page.
ie Rather than:
This update will instead have the link and the full address (ie
This was the phase4#17 update.
Search links back to folder when primary page - previously if a primary page was a result in a search, it would link back just to that page. This has now been updated so it will show other pages in the folder just like it would when accessed via the menu. To see this click on Latest News in the search results on the Diocese of Oxford.
This was the phase4#18 update.
Site Map Updates - the Site Map has been updated to allow for any folder to be moved from one place to another. This is available in Settings > Site Map for master users. We will be withdrawing the legacy folder order within Web Pages later this year - a message is displayed within the Web Pages > Move Folders regarding this.